This semester is kicking my trash! I literally feel sick every time I think about school. Good news is I only have one month of class, clinicals, tests, assignments, etc. left...bad news is I don't have what is deemed by the Maricopa Nursing Program as a "passing grade" at the moment so I am beyond stressed!! I'm constantly going back and forth between having a positive "I can do it" attitude and a miserable "it's over, I'm a failure" attitude. Seriously, it changes by the minute and Mike has to be on his toes to be supportive, compassionate, etc. depending on what mood strikes and when. I think he might actually be more ready than I am for this to all be over!
Time for new scrubs!The best thing about all of this stress is the person I get to go through it with! I look back and think about what life was like when our future was so unsure and realize that THAT was a nightmare!! It's so comforting to know that in all the rest of the trials that will come my way in life, big or small, I'll have Mike to help me through. When you look at the reality of the situation in the big scheme of things, I'm whining and complaining about a tiny drop in the bucket. I'm still super stressed (and will be 'til the end of the semester) but I am also overwhelmed by how blessed I am.
Mike and Chase during a recent trip to EagarMy family came down for a few days last week. It just reiterated how lucky I am to be surrounded by such wonderful people! We got to see Sal who came home for fall break and celebrate Zacky's birthday. Family is really what it's all about!
Zack loves to play this Tire Fishing Game-
Mel texted me the other day and said he told her it was 'getting on his nerds'...
he is beyond cute!!
Zack LOVES pirates right now so we got him this pirate hat for his b-day.
Here's my little bro. Chase modeling it-he's getting SO BIG!Lastly in this giant post, I want to say how excited I am for our little guy to get here! NOTHING can top it!!
This is an AWFUL picture taken about 3 weeks ago that I decided I wasn't going to post
but then decided to since I don't really have any others and I look MUCH worse now!
I really hate how I've gained just as much mass EVERYWHERE else besides my belly!
Definitely transitioning from the 'cute pregnant' stage into the 'miserable, EVERYTHING is swelling' stage!