Sunday, June 6, 2010

Small Time Living

I have started a new site to practice a different kind of photography and promote small time living. This is an online magazine for all of the people in our circle of family and friends. So if you have something fun and exciting to let everyone know about next month please contact us, and maybe you'll even make the cover story!

I want to try to do a creative photo shoot for each cover and have a new issue for every month. Click on the link at the left to see my first example of the May issue of Small Time Living.
I'm gonna need more stories for the future so help me out and let me know of any small, fun, or exciting news by emailing

Also if you have any examples for columns for the magazine or even want to write one let us know. Ashley wants to do a craft column and is talking about us needing some kind of spiritual thought column. Any suggestions would be appreciated. This magazine site is very much in construction and I'm hoping it will get better and better so that I'll keep wanting to do it.


Chelsee said...


Sorry to just leave a comment on your blog, but I am not sure how to get hold of you two. We are wanting family pictures sometime this summer.

*Ashley said...

I am excited about this and hope I can contribute! I think we should also do some sort of recipe column or something...I dunno...anyone else's ideas would be great! :)

Nate & Emily said...

This is a great idea! I just really want to make the cover one day! :) A recipe column would be a great idea Ashley! Did Steven Tucker really move out of RV?

Whitney Lee Slade said...

Ok, this is incredible. I love the ideas.. ash, craft column, spiritual column is great.. beautiful. I was RS secretary in my singls ward before I left to euroland, and I had to do a newsletter deal and did a recipe corner, of course featuring the monthly or seasonly treat/casserole, ect.. definately do it. I love this guys! Want to support however I can, let me know. Oh and.. there's a candy store in RV? A cool one, run by a bingham? And.. did steven really move?!!

Mike said...

Yea Steven is currently living in Chandler with Jordan Willis.
Does everyone understand that you can click on the stories to read more about them? Because it gives more details about the stories if you do.

Tori said...

LOVE the magazine you guys! This is such a good idea! (Ps..Ash..I love the idea about the recipes. I am always lookin for new ideas.)

Heidi said...

This is cool! Good idea guys. I'll let you know if I have any grand ideas or anything exciting happens!

Celina said...

Hello!!! How about me moving to Mississippi!