Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weekly Movie Night

We are starting up our weekly movie night. Once a week we are going to watch a movie and anyone that feels like joining us is welcome to come to our place. Just check our side bar to find out what movie we are watching and to see the day and time. This image will change every Wednesday because that is when we get movies at blockbuster before they hit the shelves. Like this week we'll be watching "He's Just Not That Into You" on Saturday at 7pm. Just follow the Black Arrow.

Also if you want to watch a trailer of the movie just click on the picture on our sidebar. Hope some of you join us. Ashley is going to try and make different snacks every week.

1 comment:

MERN said...

Sweet! I want to see that. BUT.... I don't know where you 2 kids live....
email it?