New Truck
I really wish I was posting that I had a new Toyota Tundra. It is the truck that I have decided I'm going get, some day anyway. But like a lot of things in my life my older brother M.jay got there first. He came to visit Cedar and didn't even say anything about it. Finally he mentioned he had a new truck. Ash and I ran to look at it and then told him he's making it into the blog again.
I made this picture look like it came out of a magazine because of his church clothes
What the??? That sneaky little sh**! I can't believe he gets a new truck and doesn't say anything...That's M.Jay alright!
Wooohooo M.Jay looks so cool - I'm jealous, too. Wanna new car - don't want payments :-) fun to check in on you
I just talked to M'er and he didn't even say a word! just that he had a good time in Cedar. Cool picture; makes MJay look like a cars salesman.
Ryan says "MJays a punk lol" Trist & Dad guessed before they saw. Dad says "MJay finally got his chick magnet; guess there'll be wedding bells on the horizon"!!!
Crap man!!!!! That is nice!
Hey thanks guys! I just checked my email:) What a great idea for a gift..Probably Ashley's... and yes Mike I thought it was hilarious..I had to watch it twice because the first time it kept pausing to catch up..I laughed harder the second time. I love how he stands up next to the guy to prove his point and they're like "well not with the gloves" I'm going to start ArReSTed DeVelOPmeNt today... so I'll probably be calling you to laugh about it. I was really sad when we sold our Tundra I should have made you buy it..we gave the guy a great deal. Sorry, long comment!
That picture you made up looks real. lol Nice truck M.Jay
Ha ha everyone, I knew what M.jay's truck looked like before he even bought it! Guess that how it goes when you live close to each other! It is a pretty sweet truck M.jay and I guess its ok you let Mike and Ash ride in it first! :) Mike-- so glad your here to visit, Ash-- where are you?! :)
hey, you can buy our toyota tundra! we are selling it!
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