Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Am Blessed!

So a while back, Ashley (K) made a post of some of the things she's grateful for and invited anyone who wanted to do it to do it and I think it's a great idea! Since reading hers, I've been thinking about what I would put on mine and it's really surprising how once I start thinking about it, I really aM amazed at how much I have to be thankful for. So here mine go.

1. I am extremely thankful for Mike. I am so lucky that he's patient enough to deal w/ me every single day and that he doesn't think I'm a complete freak after seeing my not so good sides. He's such a great friend and a great husband. I can't even say how thankful I am for the way that he always meets me in the middle and handles everything.

2. I am thankful for my family I'm grateful that I've been able to have a good relationship w/ each one of them and that they are always there for me. My mom always told Celina and I that someday we'd be thankful for each other and I guess she was right! ;) I also have the blessing to be able to say what a lot of people can't in that I have really great in-laws! I may have just gotten lucky but I consider it a blessing because each one of them is super! Really, the more I think about it, the more I'm thankful for every one of them! (Even you Mel! ;) Haha! j/k)

3. I am thankful that I don't wake up every morning grouchy and dreading my job anymore! :)

4. I am thankful for the unbelievably excellent living situation going on here!! I wish I could post a pic of how beautiful it is here but it's night and I don't have one so...maybe later. I'm thankful for Velda and Steve for giving us the opportunity!!

5. I am thankful that even though I don't take care of it like I should, my body hasn't given up on me! Hopefully I can start pulling my weight a little more! (No pun intended)

6. I am thankful that when I did try to go jogging today, it was a beautiful day and a nice (safe) neighborhood and I had a cute little pup to come along w/ me. And that even though she and I got in a few tiffs, she avoided getting run over.

7. Some people say they are grateful for their trials but...I don't really know how much I agree w/ that right now...BUT, I am grateful for the things I've learned because of trials. And for all the things I know I still have left to learn.

8. I'm thankful to be a member of the church and all the things I've learned and great experiences I've been able to have because of it.

9. I am thankful for great friends. I've always been blessed w/ such great friends and I'm so glad that that has continued as Mike and I have made friends together and as those friends have gotten married and brought more friends into the group.

So I'm going to stop there 'cause that's where Ash stopped. Sorry it was so LAME and long but I'm already in a good mood just thinking about how the list goes on and on from there. Thanks Ash, that was a great idea! It really was fun! I may do it from time to time to keep myself thinking about all the good things! Next time, hopefully it won't be so long!



Brittany said...

Ashley, that wasn't lame at all. I think it was great. I'm going to do that one for sure. It's sometimes a great thing to take a step back a realize that we truly are blessed!

Have a great day!

Dorlene said...

Ashley that was nice to read what you are thankful for. Nice to take the time sometimes.

Jennifer said...

Way to be! I'm feeling a little guilty after reading it though..I'm always taking things for granite. It's all in the way you percieve things I guess:)

Jolene said...

I am thankful for you. I am also thankful for your cute blog templates - all of my friends are using them!

ashley kelepolo said...

That was WAY fun huh? Gosh, you almost made me cry! I think if you would've gone to 10 I for sure would have at least a drop of tears.

Whitney said...

I Loved that! I think im gonna do it no. HOw r things in Cedar? Im so glad you enjoy your job now!

mom said...

Ashley, You are such a sweetheart. I think of you as one of my own kids, and you really are since Mike is my trek son! I just want you to know how much you have blessed our whole family, {not just Heidi}. Every time I look at Heidi's graduation pics, I see the two of you together and it makes me smile. I'm thankful for YOU! love ya, Sister Hall

Heidi said...

I would like to echo what my mom said a hundred times. You are great. Don't know what I would do without ya!

Mig said...

hey ashley i would love one of your blog templates i LOVE you!!!