Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day By Day

I recently heard this quote:

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back, everything is different."
-C.S. Lewis

I feel like that describes our lives perfectly right now!  Lately it seems like every day we're just doing the same things over and over again.  Dishes, laundry, attempts at a schedule, naps, cleaning up the same toys, trying to decide what's for dinner, baths, bedtimes etc.

But I already look back on days just like today and wish they weren't going by so fast!

Here are some reasons our days have been unique lately, and reasons I like them being the same:

Remi supported her cousin Emily, who was blessed last month.
Brig and Uncle Mike are buddies!
Grant is the best helper I could EVER ask for!

What better way to watch The Man From Snowy River"??

Grant's puff paint cupcake for the Letter C-Thank you Pinterest!

He's ALWAYS willing to help and I never have to ask!

We got to hang with Cozi!!

Remi started holding her head up (and fitting into some cute clothes)!!

IF I get ready in the morning, this is what it looks like!
She was staring down the soap dispenser for like an hour!  (See the above picture)
Erupting Snow!
Again, thank-you Pinterest!
REAL snow!  Thank-you everyone who prays for snow everyday!
"He runnin'!!"
If you know Chase, this picture needs no caption!
The prayer comment was sarcastic btw!  I'm ready for warm weather!
She found her feet!
She's SO perfect!!!  Although, this picture has motivated me to take some action in attempting to tame the mohawk!
They love each other!
Happy Birthday to my Mamma!
Hangin' with Grandma Velda
My attempt at a Valentine's picture-HA!
As I was finishing up this post, Grant came up to me and asked, "Can I sit with you?"
I said, "Of course!!"
He raised his eyebrows and exclaimed "Okay!!"

I hope some things (like his excitement to sit with me) never change!

1 comment:

Pedaldork said...

Man from Snow River:) Love it!!!