Thursday, April 14, 2011

Quarter of a Year!

I can't believe it's already been another month!  Right now I'm just trying to get all my pictures organized so I'm just gonna post the basics of what we've been up to until they're organized enough to get caught up.
Here's our little 3 month old!  He gets cuter every day and his hair is still CRAZY!
*We kicked off this last month the best way possible, with a visit from Sal.  It was SOOO good to see her and WAY too short!  We miss her already and can't wait for her to come back again!
Grant's shirt pretty much says it all!
*We also got to hang out with these two crazy clowns and were super jealous of their Suns experience!
Uncle Dal and Robyn
*Next, we made a trip to Utah to meet some of Grant's cousins for the first time! (See below post)

*Grant's soul mate was born this month!!

*Grant was also (FINALLY) blessed this month!  This will be another post!
Grant and Uncle Chase after Grant was welcomed to the 'records of the church' as Grandma Velda says
 *We also spent time with the best friend a baby or mom could ask for, Heidi.

This last month consisted of a lot of family time (which we love!).  Grant laughed for the first time and has been talking up a storm!  He's almost strong enough to hold his head up on his own and is interested in everything!!

This last picture is the most recent one, I took it yesterday.  Remember the stuffed zebra pic from last month?  Well, apparently Grant really does like zebras.  This little toy zebra is on his swing and he just stares intently at it every time he's in his swing.  It's so cute!
He is growing so much so fast, we can't keep up!

1 comment:

Krissy said...

Oh my gosh!!! Ashley and I are so honored to be mentioned on your blog and for you to declare their soul mate status. I can't wait to be your in-law. :)