Friday, April 22, 2011

3 is the Magic Number

Only one of our cars has AC so Mike usually takes that one unless I have errands to run.  I completely spaced out and didn't realize until Mike was already gone and Grant had blown his last diaper that we were out!  Right around his 3 month mark he moved up to a size 3!  However, the only thing we had in the house were a few leftover 1s. So here he is in his diaper two sizes too small.  I changed him like every hour!
It looks a lot bigger in the pic. than it actually was.  I REALLY had to stretch the tabs to get them around his little belly. I love how he's looking at me like 'do you actually think this is going to work?'
When Mike got home, he said he looked like he was wearing a loin cloth.

In other news, look what this 3 month old can do!  Tummy time is much more fun now!  He's starting to turn on his side so I'm wondering if maybe he'll make the full circle sometime soon.
Also, I FINALLY cut and colored my hair.  I've been wanting to do it since Spring/Summer fever hit me a few months ago.  You can't see it very well in this pic but you get the basic idea...we'll see if I can keep up with maintaining it now.
I've learned that if you have a CUTE baby to pose with you, you're much more confident about taking pictures.

1 comment:

ashley kelepolo said...

Isn't it cazy how a little baby can seriously change your life?! I was amazed at this and still am! I love it though! I like your hair color! Grant is adorable!