Friday, April 15, 2011

Just Go With It

It's been GORGEOUS outside lately!  I've been feeling super Springy so, much to Mike's dismay, I've been dressing Grant light and bright. (Mike thinks anything other than brown or gray is girly.)

Anyone who's anyone knows you can't walk down to the mail box in just anything (that's pretty much the only time Grant and I go out during the day) so I chose this shirt that reminds me of Spring but still has some blue and green for Mike's sake.  It's getting too small for him so I figured this would be his last time wearing it and I wanted to top it off with some well-groomed hair.  (Grant's the only one who ever gets dressed around here so I try to make up for myself by making him look cute!) We all know it's usually crazy but I was exceptionally frustrated because I REALLY tried to get it to lay down in the back.
It was not working.

So I decided what the heck.  I'll put him in his rock t-shirt and just go with it.

Who cares about dressing for the season.  He is the CUTEST little punk ever!


Celina said...

love. Love. LOVE!

Nate and Emily said...

I love the hair!! :) However you dress him, Grant can pull it off! So cute!

Colton said...

Hahaha...I'm glad that you spawned such a cooperative doll to play with.

Pratt and Kortney Rogers said...

So cute, I always love a good mohawk. Jhett had crazy hair like that. Ya'll need to come see us.

Heidi said...

Wow, that is WAY cute! I love it!

Ryan Wiltbank said...

he seems like he cooperated the entire time... which i guess isn't saying much cause the only thing about grant that doesn't just go along with everything is his hair! haha he looks awesome! haha

Ryan Wiltbank said...
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