Thursday, April 28, 2011


My siblings and I were all Pool Rats when we were little.  My dad was the town pool manager and we were at the pool pretty much constantly!  We took big family trips to Lake Powell every summer from the time we were old enough to float.   My sister and I were on swim teams and taught swimming lessons and life-guarded in high school.  I feel like the love of water is in my blood!  I wholeheartedly agree with Steve Miller Band "Everything's better when wet".  (Come to think of it, I think I'm going to make a sign that says that for my bathroom) I've always looked forward to being able to teach my kids to love the water and swim.

Our friend Jordan lives at a place that has a pool so we got our first chance to take little G-man swimmin'! Thanks to the guys for letting Grant and I (well just me I guess 'cause Grant's a guy) crash what would've been 'Guy's Night'.
Don't make fun of me for being fully clothed-still can't quite fit comfortably into a swimsuit :)
Grant was the manliest of all the men there and didn't complain about the COLD water once and even went ALL THE WAY UNDER TWICE!!
I don't really know what Grant thought of the whole ordeal...probably just confused abut why we were making him do this but he didn't cry or whine at all so at least he didn't hate it.  He did more in a half hour than some kids I've taught will do in three summers so I'm pretty proud! :)
He was just so sad to have to leave! Isn't he cute in his little trunks??
I can't wait to take him again!! 

P.S. The Steve Miller Band quote was taken out of context.  The song has nothing to do with teaching your kids to love's actually kind of suggestive but I think it's a great quote all the same! :)


Whitney said...

I cant wait to take Gage swimming! I think you and me ash are the only two people in this family who really like swimming lol I basically grew up in a pool! Hopefully we can all swim together soon!!

Brooke R. Harper said...

How fun! You guys will have an awesome summer with him!

Ryan Wiltbank said...

haha i grant is such a funny kid! he totally just looks confused at the water... not scared, or like he doesn't wanna touch it or anything just confused and curious. As for whit's comment that is totally not true! trist grew up in a pool too! just ask ash! i took years of lessons! even after i had taken all of them haha thats where i met ash. we just don't have a pool here anymore