Monday, May 13, 2013

Our Pretty Lady

I remember when I was pregnant with Remi, trying to figure out who she was and what type of little lady she was going to be.  The only thing that ever really seemed to stand out was this feeling that she loved her family and for some reason, I just kept picturing light/brightness/sunshine.  I don't really know how to describe it better than that...
The name we had always had picked out for a girl was Remington Page but we couldn't quite settle on it after finding out she was a girl.  I really liked the name Ellie.  Then after finding out it means "shining light", it seemed to be the perfect fit.  Fast forward to her birth and our fears that we may never have another girl, we reverted back to Remington.  I decided if we used Elizabeth as her middle name instead, she could still be my little Ellie and even potentially go by it in the future if she thinks Remi's a little too redneck :)

ANYWAY, that GIANT story all to say that even though I still second-guess my name choice sometimes, I can't believe how fitting her super long name is for her!  She is the light of our family and my little sunshine!  I can't help but smile every time I see her pretty little face!  She is so tough and almost never complains.  It's not uncommon at all to have a whole day go by without her crying or complaining!

Maybe it's just because I'm SO behind on my blog but I REALLY can't believe it!  She's growing up SO fast!  I feel like she's practically one already!
So, here she WAS at 4 months!
Around this time, I started calling her Pretty Bitty.  Then that got shortened to Bitty. Which turned into Betty...she's going to be so confused, poor girl!  Doesn't she look like a Pretty Little Bitty Betty though?? :)

If she doesn't have her paci, she usually reverts to using these two fingers.
She LOVES the Bumbo because it means she gets to be part of what's going on.  She's always so anxious to be involved in what's going on but cool with being patient until I have time to give her attention at the same time.  She's pretty much just awesome!
I finally found a place in Springerville that sold sponge rollers small enough for her little mohawk!!
I always wanted a little girl that could pull off earrings, a bow and her brother's clothes. 

She's making so many of my dreams come true! ;)

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