Sunday, August 22, 2010

Family in Utah

This trip was crazy to me. Watching Emily with her new baby Trace was really sinking in this whole pregnancy thing. I'm getting pretty excited and nervous. It was nice seeing how good Emily and Nate are doing, they're making great parents.

I think one of my highlights of our trip was getting to go horseback riding with Nate. It was about the only thing we took pictures of. I haven't been riding in way too long and this little taste made me long for it. I really hope to own a horse someday soon. Nate seemed to be pretty consumed with thoughts of becoming a dad too because we kept bringing up how fun it would be to do this stuff with Trace and Grant (That's the name we have picked out for our kid by the way).

The absolute best thing though was just hanging out with everyone for the week. We spent the whole trip with Josh, M.Jay, Emily, Nate, and of course Trace and it went by way too fast. We did take some more pictures of Trace with our nicer camera but we're going to let Emily post those.

p.s. we also all watched the movie "The Switch" which I really liked, two thumbs up.


Heidi said...

Hey I liked that movie too! Can't believe we agree. Haha, jk. Anyway, Trace is way cute. Can't wait till Grant gets here. I like the riding pictures...very jealous.

Josh said...
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Nate and Emily said...

You guys need to make another trip! It was fun having you... we have lots more to do so come again soon!