Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bathtime and a (Lame) Surprise!

Bathtime has been fun lately! Lots of things have been fun lately but bathtime in particular makes Grant a happy camper!
He loves his Rubber Duckies! He also loves bubbles, splashing, screeching, trying to stand up in the tub (ah!), and most other things associated with bathtime.
Rubber Ducky doubles as a teething toy so that's a plus as well.
And as you can see, Grant's fifth little tooth is starting to break in on the bottom right. As you can also tell, he needs ANOTHER hair cut!
I LOVE his little eyes! They remind me of baby Ewoks and Puss in's going to be SO hard to say 'no' to this little face when that time comes!
So here's the lame surprise. I finally edited Grant's 7 month pics! We didn't really get too many good ones. They came out blurry for some reason. Not that it matters too much since I'm already behind on month 8. Time is flying, and we're having so much fun!


Colton said...

He is completely adorable. You guys lucked out.

Do kids need official monthly pictures? It seems like you are stressed out over something that is just a silly convention. When does that end? At a year?

Mike said...

No way Colton, it ends at 19 years. I'm only messing around. It's not something we feel we have to do but something we want to do, and yes the goal is a year.

Ryan Wiltbank said...

ahh he is so big! i miss him a ton! oh and you two i guess.... haha just kidding! but your totally right on the eyes thing ash! can you guys believe he is almost a year old? after he reaches one it will be yearly pics right?

Molli loves Tyler said...

AH! I love that little boy!!!

Brooke R. Harper said...

He is so stinkin cute. His hair looks like Graham's!! Like a dark red. My favorite hair color. He is one good looking boy. We need to hang out. Come over! Please.